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Mr. Josh Brody

98 Classes

Josh Brody, Esq. is a partner in the Business Restructuring and Reorganization group at a major NYC law firm and has been practicing corporate bankruptcy law for almost 20 years.

Josh is actively involved in Jewish outreach and adult education and heads up the men’s division of Project Inspire in Long Island, NY. Together with his wife Aviva, they run weekly programs for Jews of all backgrounds (including trips to Israel) and regularly host events in their home.

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Mr. Josh BrodyYou Have to Believe in Your Ability to Grow
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Mr. Josh BrodyThe Bridge from Purim to Pesach
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Mr. Josh BrodyRethink Davening #2 - Penetrating Your Heart
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Mr. Josh BrodyMenuchas Hanefesh #6 -Menucha Through Tefillla
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Mr. Josh BrodyMenuchas Hanefesh #5 - Locked In and Relaxed
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Mr. Josh BrodyMenuchas Hanefesh #3 - Growth in Ruchniyus